The author of the model: JAWA
Converting to ETS2, animation: Stas556.
Help in 3ds Max: Smith
Help in the permit: dmitry68, Myshanka.
Sound: Kriechbaum.
Thank you for your help Knox_xss!
The interior includes two modes 351 and 359. Interior 359. Convert to
” 18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal”, the original authors are unknown.
Who knows prompt , register !
Fashion Description :
– 1 cabin
– 4 chassis
– Has own interiors
– has own sound
– Tuning present
– buy in Peterbilt showroom
– Fixed bugs
– Returned missing files
Love this truck and was really looking forward to driving it. I got it all set up wit the accessories I wanted but as soon as I leave the dealership my game crashes happened twice. Pls help because this truck is awsome thanks
Try running the truck bone stock for a while and then deck it out. worked for me
I really Like this truck, I tried to paint it red, but it stays grey. Go for the modifed engine, I had her up to 85mph in Nevada. Hold on to her though, she gets a little wobbly at that speed.
About the paint. I watched a video….yes there is a big with it. The mettalic paint does work though
Is there a way to keep the 24 inch wheels? I was looking around in the upgrade shop and the 351 wheels have no image, just a black square and no image of a wheel. all that shows is the text, 351-1 and 351-2. If I pick the steel wheels, it will have a gap between the tires and the wheels.
I would like to see a Pete 281 like in the movie Duel.
Yes x100
I’d like that too. Been looking but nothing.
I have an issue with the wheels. They only have the hub, then a gap, then the tires. Any fixes for this?
try changing the tires
works in 1.5, but uber janky. hope this gets updated. 🙂
Keep hoping!