MZKT 742910 Volat v 3.0 MOD
Added multiple engines, transmissions, tires Better lights on road (DAF XF) Various engine sonds (if you know how and where to change it) Standalone Buy in Volvo dealer (Las Vegas; Tucson) Baked Has tuning Supports accesories Hard to cling to conventional trailers Tested on ATS v.1.6.x
Just a little problem with the visors from inside view. The color scheme is psychedelic on both side. Otherwise, this mod work great.
Oh wait, the headlight on the driver side is not working. Why ?
I guess, that is for fun. You can till see pretty much lights on road.
The mod is excellent i wish it could be more updates of this in nex days. in the other hand i saw a few things that could be improved:
1. when the lights turn on, in the mirrors you can see a green line in the middle.
2. When you switch the lights on, the right lights dont turn on.
3. when you look in the cockpit to the right, that mirror lacks of a small part of plastic arround it
p.s. with high beam it’s working.
OK, um, well the cab freaking ragdolls around when I accelerate and brake and turn, etc. Other than that, a great mod definitely.
If you have any kind of a physics mod it can screw with cab overs.
I don’t have any running and I also had the Freightliner FLB and it was fine.
i cant see the truck after i activated
im using version 1.31.2
@Cingiz you have to modify the dealership file for all older trucks to be seen in dealers with v1.3x. You’ll need 7-zip and Notepad++, set Notepad++ as default for .sii files. The same procedure applies to all trucks with the old format:
Use 7-zip, right click on your truck scs file and choose 7-zip, open archive.
Navigate to def/vehicle/truck_dealer/Volvo/6422m.sii.
Double click on 6422m.sii to open with Notepad++. Paste without quotations ” SiiNunit
{ ” at the beginning of the file. (There is a return after SiiNunit.)
Add without quotations ” } ” at the end of the file, save and close Notepad++. When asked if you want to update it in the archive, click OK. Then close 7-zip.
That’s only a dealership fix. If they have other problems with 1.3x you’ll have to wait for the mod developer to update and share but this one works with