International 9400i Eagle for ATS 1.29
I decided to give life to a mod that was mostly unknown to most of you.
Here’s a small changelog:
– updated pmg files (most of them)
– fixed air and oil gauge errors
Works on latest version with a couple of errors in the log (shouldn’t crash the game).
It doesn’t show up in the game even with a new profile.
do you have winrar
I use 7 zip
how did you make it work?
This truck is missing mud flaps needs some fixing and could use another back up light on the other side of truck or back up light on the back of truck
The truck has mudflaps, look carefully in the service area
I want to thank you so much for fixing this truck! I had downloaded it awhile ago but it had a truck load of issues. I love these older trucks and I was thrilled to see that someone finally took the time to fix this truck. This site is full of new trucks and its nice to see older ones. Thank you again for taking the time to fix this truck!!!
esta muy bueno es de mis camiones favoritos gracias por actualizarlo. pero yo creo q le hace falta algo y es la version Day Cab y seria un camion muy completo y es q en colombia estos camiones se ven en day cab y me gustaria manejarlo en day cab
very good truck, the only issue I find is a lag, and it not happen with other trucks, please, fix it, I really love this truck.
I guess it would be helpful to say what exactly is broken and not just “something is broke, fix it!”
I converted it to run on 1.31 has no issues added a couple of motors to give it a bit more torque change a few gearbox settings.
Difficult truck to skin. Cant find a template for it. But created a couple via trial and error. It’s like the truck was Created in some program totally out of the norm.
For instance side of the bonnet, the first bit at the top goes 12345 the next bit under that goes 54321 but upside down. On the sleeper centre part of it goes12345 but vertical. The 12345 means I made a DDS picture of numbered squares 1 to 1000 then created the stand-alone SCS for it, and put it in the game
works in 1.30? cuz is not appearing in my game.
MOD file International9400i.scs\def\vehicle\truck_dealer\
Their is a .sii file here delete it.
then go one directory further, you find the volvo_5.sii
Make these changes to the file in
open it in notepad. Add this to the very top
Then go right to the end of the file and add another of these
Save it and close notepad 7zip or WinRAR will ask you a question just say YES or OK
It will then show up in ATS 1.31 dealer and you can use it no issues.
Have not played around with the air hose, because I think its the most useless addon created unless you are going to spend all playing time looking at the air hose coupling. I mean I only check them when I hook a truck up in real life, and you soon know if they’re not working.