Combination map Coast to Coast v1.6 + mexican 1.2 for ATS
Combination map: Coast_to_Coast_v1.6 + mexican 1.2.
The card works with ATS_map_by_Mario, MHAPro map ATS 1.3.
Poryadod Located in the manager from top to bottom:
MHAPro map ATS 1.3.
Map tested on version 1.2.1s.
Why, so when the game updates again, it breaks. No thank you!
The game crashes . Please turn a plain coast to coast V1.7 Thanks
crashes here as well…horrible as every new map with patches and bugfixing, which does everytime nothing!
why is there evertime the same stupid version 1.6 in the text if it’s 1.6.03? that’s stupid and ridiculous that the user have everytime to correct the mod to notice it correctly in the game…
the idea of the mod is a good one, but the realiszation is horrible! not even the map is correct on the background and mantrid hasn’t noticed it? sorry, that’s stupid and still an alpha!