Arnook’s Container Pack – ATS Edition V8 1.49
Changelog V8
– Added a new 20ft HC container with 10 skins
– Replaced the 20ft SC with a brand new model and 20 new skins
– Updated mats for 1.48+
– Updated the cargo descriptions for easier search (use “SC” or “HC” in the search bar for easy distinction)
– Updated the traffic with the new and replaced containers
– Updated the AI Train Add-on (Thanks Krys, as always)
– Added compatibility with Kansas DLC companies
– Removed obsolete files
Full compatibility with the SCS chassis configurations (singles, doubles, etc…)
– Available in the freight Market & for owned trailers
– The skin-selection is made randomly by the game (same system as SCS’s original containers)
– All container variants in traffic (except for the 45ft & 53ft for the moment)
– Supports both default & custom dedicated cargos :
–> Default cargos : just use the same cargos as you usually do and the default skins will be replaced by mine
–> Dedicated cargos :search for “Box Container” OR “Box Container HC” OR “Reefer Container” OR “Reefer Container HC” OR “ISO Tank Container” OR “Flatrack container” or ‘Open-Top container”, depending on the type of container that you want