Bright Headlights 1.41
This is small addition makes the headlights of all SCS trucks brighter (as in previous versions of the game).
SCS trucks
Kenworth k100e: by Overfloater
Kenworth w990: by Harven
Autocar AT: by XBS
Autocar DC: by XBS
Freightliner FLC12064T: by XBS
Mack RS 700 Rubber Duck: by v.krankel-varter
Kenworth w900 and Peterbilt 389: by Ruda
Peterbilt 389: by Viper
Peterbilt 378: by Stas556
Mack R Series: by Harven
International HX520: by Harven
Peterbilt 281-351: by MTG
Peterbilt 379 Heavy Haul: by DN Modding
14.09 – added Intnational LT