Concept Truck Flight of Fantasy BETA [REL] Truck
This track you will never see on the roads, only in the virtual world SCS
Dealer Kenworth
There are templates for the 2 and 3 channels.
Rear View Camera operates at switching on left mirror on F2 (second click). When the automatic transmission is switched on automatically when reverse gear,
with manual transmission is activated emergency gang.. The camera on the bumper is turned off in the ui / gps_concept.sii script name in the group: RightMirror
change coords_t: 90 on coords_t: 0.
There is a collision 5 wheels.
The two parts of the archive, do not forget to connect the two
Enjoy the trip.
Game version: 1.2.x
beautiful truck. love the camera, and detail. but it lacks power.i tried to pull a 28,000 lb load and it was light hauling a train. slow and powerless, even at 750 hp. fix that at it will be an awesome mod
First of all, let me say FANTASTIC JOB. This is a pretty nice truck considering all that you’ve done here. I’ve only been driving it for a little while, but I have some feedback I’d like to share in hopes that you will refine this truck some more.
The mirror concept is really neat. I like that the mirrors have been brought inside closer to my center of view. That being said, they are not bright enough. They are quite dim, and it makes it hard to make out clear details in them. The little arms that stick out the side of the truck for the mirrors are hideous in my opinion. There needs to be some other way to make those camera mirrors work without those goofy looking arms sticking out of the sides.
I really like the idea of multiple cameras. The backup camera is a fantastic touch, but it needs to work better. It definitely needs to work with all transmission types (not just automatic) and I would like to see a backup camera from the rear of the trailer when a trailer is attached. Also, it would be really nice to be able to toggle which cameras we want to see on our display inside the truck. I don’t know if that can be bound to a key on the keyboard or perhaps selected in the upgrade shop. Either way, I would like to change which cameras are on without having to edit code in the mod file. Also as mentioned with the mirrors, more brightness on the GPS display is needed.
The electronic gauge cluster looks great. The only thing I could ask for is a little more customization. Maybe different color options?
Truck Body
The design of the truck itself is pretty good. It may need a little refining, as some edges and textures are a bit rough, but it’s a good start. I hope you can add more tuning options like multiple cabs, exhaust choices, and accessory slots. The bullbar is a good start, but it needs to be tilted back to match the angle of the truck nose. It looks awkward standing straight up.
All in all, this truck is a great start, and I plan to continue driving it in hopes that more revisions are in the works. Great job!
After reading it was automatic trans only i drove it some more. the camera placement for the mirrors are good. it is where most companies would put them. the center console is a tad dark. but that’s probably hard coded. my first review i hadn’t driven the truck enough. it does ok with big loads but it would be nice to see a few more options in your next update. maybe a more powerful engine like a 1169 and some more interior exterior parts. but it is a beautiful truck and you should be highly praised for your work. BTW i am a former CDL driver with 17 years under my belt.. so i know layouts and i like the approach you took.love the interior and shifter look. id like too see some grey interior options or black seats and flooring. but AWESOME mod. wish i could get behind wheel in real life.
I just tried this on a 3000 mile load from San Diego to Boston and I have to say, this really kicks butt!!! The ride was very stable even going through turns at a higher speeds. I know it’s not perfect and some things need to be corrected (more on that after a few more trips) but as it sits, very cool. I had no problem seeing the digital dash/gauges and getting the info I needed even though my eyesight is not the greatest these days, the digital dash looks like what we see in the new NASCAR race cars, very cool. When I drive this I think of it as more of a future truck and not something we’re used to now or from the past, again, I’m really liking what you’ve done here, keep up the great work. (this is just my thoughts)
In the mode that I took off my Avast Premier has found a virus called “Drooper”, which is designed by programmers KGB and programmed to explore specific files and groups of files. I do not know how he found in the mods, but Avast is not able to eliminate it, so I deleted mode. I would suggest the administrator and moder that when they put the upload mode to verify the correctness download. Just in case. I’m sorry that I could not test mode. Hello Everyone.
alot of mods/ hacks/trainers use codes similar to this. and avast is a shitty antivirus and will show lots of false posotives