Daniels Random Events v1.1 ATS 1.40
Changes in V1.1:
Basically now in complete synchronisation with the ETS2 version so has the same event types and variations as the ETS2 version.
All accident events are now completely dynamic.
New VMS signs with images for warning of an event ahead.
Decreased chance of accident events spawning with crashed vehicles facing the wrong way.
Slightly decreased chance of accident events spawning.
Removed ‘narrow’ city accident events (this may only be temporary, want to see if this will increase the spawn rate of the city roadwork and channelse events).
Made ‘narrow’ accident events no longer able to spawn on 2 lane roads.
Removed the ‘urban_area’ limit on the ‘city’ one lane accident events (these events will now only spawn on 2 lane roads if the shoulder size is less than 1.5 this should prevent them from spawning on the main highways/motorways).
This mod adds 70 new random events (many of which have many different possible variations) to appear on the roads in ATS.
You can see them listed below:
No Event
1 Acc (HS) S1 (1Car+Amb)
2 Acc (HS) S2 (1Car+Rec)
3 Acc (HS) S3 (2Car+Rec)
4 Acc (HS) S4 (2Car+Amb)
5 Acc (HS) S5 (2Car)
6 Acc (HS) S6 (2Car)
7 Acc (HS) S7 (F150+Amb)
8 Acc (HS) S8 (1Car)
9 Acc (HS) S9 (2Car)
10 Acc (HS) ST1 (JackKnife)
11 Acc (HS) ST2 (HGVWheelChange)
12 Acc (HS) ST3 (HGVFire)
13 Acc (HS) ST4 (LogTrailerTipOver)
14 Acc (HS) B1 (BurntOutCar)
15 Acc (HS) B2 (SandTrailerTipOver)
16 Acc (HS) B3 (PipeTrailerLosePipes)
17 Acc (HS) B4 (2Car)
18 Acc (HS) B5 (BurntCar+RecCar)
19 Acc (HS) B6 (2Car)
20 Acc (HS) R1 (Cargo)
21 Acc (HS) R2 (Crash)
22 Accident Outside Lane
23 Accident Inside Lane
24 Accident + Amb Outside Lane
25 Accident + Amb Inside Lane
26 Accident Outside Lane (Dynamic)
27 Accident Inside Lane (Dynamic)
28 Accident Narrow (Dynamic)
29 Accident Narrow (Dynamic) (Shoulder)
30 Accident Narrow + Amb (Dynamic)
31 Accident Narrow + Amb (Dynamic) (Shoulder)
32 City Accident (Block Lane)
33 City Accident (Block Lane) + Amb
34 City Accident Inner (Block Lane)
35 City Accident Inner (Block Lane) + Amb
36 City Accident Narrow (Dynamic)
37 City Accident Narrow + Amb (Dynamic)
38 City Roadwork
39 City Roadwork Inner
40 City Roadwork Narrow
41 Recovery Inside Lane (NO CONES)
42 Recovery Outside Lane (NO CONES)
43 Recovery Hard Shoulder
44 Recovery Inside Lane
45 Recovery Outside Lane
46 Recovery Narrow (No Sh)
47 Recovery Narrow (Sh)
48 Recovery Narrow (Sh) (Truck Trailer)
49 Recovery Inside Lane (Truck Trailer)
50 Recovery Outside Lane (Truck Trailer)
51 Recovery Hard Shoulder (Truck Trailer)
52 Breakdown Inside Lane
53 Breakdown Inside Lane (P)
54 Breakdown Outside Lane (No Sh)
55 Breakdown Outside Lane (No Sh) (P)
56 Breakdown Outside Lane (Sh)
57 Breakdown Outside Lane (Sh) (P)
58 Breakdown Inside Lane (WT)
59 Breakdown Inside Lane (WT) (P)
60 Breakdown Outside Lane (WT) (No Sh)
61 Breakdown Outside Lane (WT) (No Sh) (P)
62 Breakdown Outside Lane (WT) (Sh)
63 Breakdown Outside Lane (WT) (Sh) (P)
64 Breakdown Outside Lane (WT) (Sh) (TruckTrailer)
65 Breakdown Narrow (No Sh)
66 Breakdown Narrow (No Sh) (P)
67 Breakdown Narrow (Sh)
68 Breakdown Narrow (Sh) (P)
69 Breakdown Narrow (Sh) (TruckTrailer)
70 Breakdown Hard Shoulder