Exhaust Smoke for ATS Mod
This mod adds smoke animation exhaust
Exhaust smoke for kenworth_t680_kenworth_w900_peterbilt_579
After you install smoke continuously.
Tested version 1.1.1
In the archive there is a dds texture just in case if someone need less soot!
Replace in fashion archive, in the folder : model /particle
Where to get That Wheels They look awesome
Those wheels are in the Extreme Wheel mod. Is a really good mod but I uninstalled it because I didn’t like the light in the tires.
Please update!
The only thing that I would fix is black smoke, no smoke when the engine is off, and a puff of smoke when starting from stopping.
Diesel smoke is BLACK.
Not white, not brown, not gray. It’s black.
Where the hell do you think “rolling coal” came from?
It;s black if you are shifting at too low of an rpm and dumping too much fuel into the exhaust,or lagging the motor.Normal exhaust is white, with maybe a little blue tint to it if you are burning a little oil
Diesel exhaust is always black. If it’s white, your turbo or your head gasket is about to go out on you. Any truck that’s been modified past OEM will roll black smoke no matter what. I know, both of my trucks do.