Ford F150 SVT Raptor v 1.4 for ATS
Mod converted from ETS2
Original authors made this mod for ETS2 so i make it compatible with ATS.
– Standalone
– Find at Kenworth Dealer
– Tuning parts
– Tested ATS v1.1.1.3
Version 1.4:
* Corrected sound
* Corrected missing logo
* Corrected physic
* Corrected weight
* Corrected Tuning prices
* Corrected data and names
* Add unlock level
* Mirror now in Tuning options
* Minor improvements
Compressed with Winrar 5.10 so u need it to unrar.
Now the mod is locked because “Матроскiн” rip this conversion for ETS2.
Thx for all modders, SCS forum and Solutech to make this mod real.
unfortunately the sound doesn’t work correct in my case. but it drives very nice and looks great!
Where do i find the car?
what’s the password ??
Please update for ETS2 v1.23. Thanks!
Are u dumb? This mod is for ATS