Mod converted from ETS2
Original authors made this mod for ETS2 so i make it compatible with ATS.
– Standalone
– Find at Kenworth Dealer
– Tuning parts
– Tested ATS v1.2.1
Version 1.5:
* Updated for ATS v1.2.1
Little red error in log with wheels but the car works fine. Will be corrected if i have time.
Compressed with Winrar 5.10 so u need it to unrar.
Thx for all modders, SCS forum and Solutech to make this mod real.
Oh ! So this is not AI ? We can drive it ?
But it won’t pull any trailers then will it ?
hello!! i love that i got the upgrades back!! but there’s an issue. when you go to buy a new raptor, the game crashes. i still have mine from the 1.2 days but i went to see what would happen and i found out that the game crashes. i haven’t tested going to the mod shop but i will tomorrow and let you know. but i would like t see the issue fixed as soon as possible. the semi rims are gone which is wonderful. everything is wonderful except the crash. keep up the amazing work!!
@matthew Do you have the dodge charger police pack enabled? If so, disable it and try again. I had the same problem and disabling the police car pack solved it.
The physics in mine is not right… First person mode the truck just floats and pitches like mad… Any help?