Freightliner Classic XL (BSA aDNgine) for ATS v1.43 v3.0
The aDNgine version of the mod allows you to apply any of the third party engines supportive for Classic XL V2. And it’s also natural, that you could sign your own engine to it.
– Freightliner dealers;
– 3 cabins: 70” Mid-Roof and Raised Roof Sleepers, 84” Raised Roof Sleeper;
– 3 interiors with its variants;
– 8 chassis: 6X4, 8X4, 8X6;
– Eaton Fuller transmissions;
– Engines sounds updated;
– Paintjob support;
– Advanced Coupling System support;
– Window animation support;
– Its own trailer cables;
– Its own tuning;
– Tires and Freightliner covers included;
– Freightliner steering wheels included;
– Smoke;
– DLC Steering Creations Pack + Steering Wheel Knobs included (updated 2020);
– DLC Cabin Accessories support (some items included);
– SiSL’s Mega Pack v3.3 support;
– SCS Horns support;
– Warning flags and front banners included;
– Small lights included;
– Presented in Trucks Gallery;
– Added to Quick Jobs.
NOTE! Kriechbaum’s Engine Sound Megapack v3.9 support patch was added to the archive as a standalone mod file.
Skin pack for the mod is provided.
Softclub-NSK – authors of the model;
Oleg Conte, Sergej Baltazar – conversion to ETS2;
dmitry68 – some parts;
Ventyres – wheels;
odd_fellow, John Ruda, memes, Drive Safely, Sliipais, Nikola, Custom Truck ATS – mod development and game versions adaptation;
Used some parts and details or their elements from: RTA-Mods trucks, Freightliner FLD 120 by Anton Aronson and KW_Driver, Freightliner Classic v1.0 edited by Carlos, 1999 Peterbilt 379 EXHD v2.5 for ATS v1.5, GTM Kenworth T800 2017 (package v2 Beta) by GT-Mike and John Boyd, Harven truck mods, Modified Peterbilt 389 v2.3 by Viper2, Kenworth W900L V3 by Big Bob.
Stock engines’ sound credits:
eelDavidGT – Detroit Diesel 60 Series.
Credits for skins go to:
Skiner, Direct Modding, Lucasi, Wadethe3rd, Pauly, Hounddog, Imperator3, MixaSen, TKK5050-3Chome, LucasI_,
EviL, Travon, Chablo954, and to some others, whose names are absent in their mods. Some skins were made from those taken from other truck mods, after Chablo954, Pauly, Den43 and Dreamwhipz, Goggles56, Ankrpl, Overfloater, Dafman, Trucker_71, and some others.
Thank you ALL for this awesome truck!!
BSA aDNgine version notes:
– Based on Based on Freightliner Classic XL V3.0 (BSA Personal) for ATS v1.43 – v1.45;
– Added: possibility for other engines’ application, some new variants of accessories, Eaton Fuller transmissions;
– Revised: models of truck, interior, and of some accessories; animations, lights;
– Changed: models of truck, interior, and some accessories; animations, lights, some materials properties; names for some accessories;
– Deleted: redundant files, some accessories or their variants.