Frosty Winter Weather Mod v 2.3 ATS
This mod simulates winter.
Key Features
Winter weather and environment
Snow/Sleet instead of rain
Winter daylight hours
Early morning fog
HDR bloom reduced
No physics mod has been applied so the trucks will drive as normal.
Compatibility Latest Version: 1.30, 1.29
Changes in v2.3
Textures added for New Mexico DLC
Vegetation Improvements
Weather Improvements
Recommended Settings
HDR: Enabled
Color Correction: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High
Frosty is a weather and graphics mod so other weather, HDR and environmental graphics mods should be disabled.
Frosty should be placed on top in Mod Manager.
Will you be updating your Spring Weather mod too for the latest game version? The last version was for 1.5 ATS and obviously, it is incompatible/crashes the game on the latest version. Will you also be making Summer and Autumn/Fall Weather mods at some point as well?
adware do not install
Nice looking web site, to friggin bad one cannot DL an ATS MOD from here. all the DL buttons are for other programs (Unless I missed something) How exactly can one DL the MODS.
First, be aware that this is for ATS v1.30 – if you’re using 1.31, 1.32, or 1.33 beta it may not work.
Yes you missed something. This site does not host files, the download links here take you to a file hosting site with the actual files (dl-file.com). Then there is a 2 step download process – click on the blue “Free Download” button and (important) be quick to close any new tabs that open (they’re just ads support for the file hoster). Click the blue “Free download” button again to get to the next page (may have to do this more than once). On the second page click on the green “Download File” button, which will start the actual download. When the download is complete, extract it and move it to the mods folder. Pretty simple after you do it a few times. 🙂