Great Dane 48′ Double trailer ATS – V3.0 Mod

Author: invasor, MiguelAngel988, Crisan21, Siebel3D
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If you enjoy experiencing real American Truck driver life, but at the same time feel a bit bored of the common road, cargos, and trucks, then American Truck Simulator Mods are for you! Step into an American Truck Simulator Driver's shoes and prove that you can deliver the cargo under any circumstance. It is the easiest way to get the best of the game, your opponents will be surprised! Then all you need to do is simply click on American Truck Simulator Great Dane 48′ Double trailer ATS – V3.0 Mod Mod free download button and implement it to your game.
My trailers disappear when i cross into Nevada
Some of the double trailers are spawning in spots where they simply can’t fit and flipping out. And when they flip out, your truck gets damaged. And you don’t need to be hauling them either. I loaded a save, spawned into the world (I was free roaming, aka no job) and found I suddenly had a totaled truck. F7+Entered to service, repaired my truck and went off to find a job. Found a set of double trailers lying on their side in the middle of the road. So, I experimented, switched another trailer from single to double, exited the menu (did not take job, but the length changes regardless) and the trailer took off, totaling my truck again, despite the fact that I was not on a job and the trailer was on the other side of the lot.
This needs to be fixed. The lot I found the issue with was the Walbert (Walmart) super-center lot that was added in with Arizona.
Hello, I am a modder who specializes in making skins (Im an ex-trucker), and I got my degree in graphic design. I believe I can help you in making realistic skins for your trailer. let me know!
The parking in some places is just dumb, its 100% impsoible to park in 90% of the job destinations, when i use auto park it spawns me either in a wall or in the ground with 100% dmg on my truck, PLEASE FIX
There isn’t anything they can do about that without editing the actual map, which would probably make the mod incompatible with map mods. It would be up to SCS to edit their prefabs and make them larger or replace the prefabs with bigger, more American style company prefabs.
This mod really puts into perspective how the Doubles update will probably be, if SCS decides to not edit the existing company prefabs. If SCS don’t edit the existing prefabs to be larger or replaced with more “American” style yards/companies, instead of the ported ETS2 prefabs, then the Doubles update will probably only be just two Pup trailers. 🙁 Which would be really disheartening. If that were the case, there’d be no point to having SCS make Doubles in ATS if all we can take legitimately are Pup trailers. All anyone can do is beg SCS to edit or replace the existing prefabs with larger, more American style prefabs.
And the only thing the mod author can do is remove the trailers from spawning and delivering at almost every company in the game, which means you wouldn’t hardly see the trailers at all.
Unfortunately, this is something we all have to put up. Limitations of the Prefabs SCS decided to use from ETS2 instead of building completely new ones when originally making ATS.