Kenworth T908 Truck Mod
The Kenworth T908 is registered in the Kenworth Dealers. It is found in the company’s loads. Present in the truck gallery.
– Has the real engines
– Transmissions
– Sound
– Interior cabin with right and left hand drive
What’s new:
* Added icon overspeed in GPS
* Fixed the clock on red.
* Removed excess shine with a visor in the interior
* Facilitated shadow in landfills
* Added skin coloring
* It is the floor of the cabins in the external model
* Fixed mirror. (delay of reflection when you turn the camera)
* Reduced scale figurines on the hood
* Altered air filters have been added
* ProFIX general registration
* Fixed the glow of lights from the bumper
* Fixed other minor bugs
still got the rta name on it
cant get it work, when i open the dealer online buy mode game crashes after a while
Please fix the problem with the crash in quick job 🙂
That happens with a shit copy ???
Not me dude, bought it on steam. Maybe a little too many mods at times tho 🙂
anyway if i get to visit the dealers nothing bad, crashes only witn online deal, so i just don t use that
PS Awesome truck, Pity only for no sound when I hit the jake
Easy fix, just modify the scs file look under def\vehicle\truck\kenw908\sound\, in the interior*.sii files look for “motor_brake: .mbrake” without the quotes change to “engine_brake[]: .eb” and “sound_engine_data: .mbrake” change to “sound_engine_data: .eb” and you will have your “jake” otherwise known as engine brake back again. Good luck. Find reference to this on google Jason Clemons page.
please make an standalone version! I love this truck, but it a replace.
plz make one for low end pcs…my lap hasnt got any high specs so,,diz truck makes the game slow..plzz mamke one for low end pcs
Help! How Can I Buy truck ?
The mod works fine up to a point, as the description doesn’t state what game version it’s for I can only assume it’s still not been updated? I can alter everything except ‘Accessories’ because as soon as I click on it, the game crashes in the blink of an eye.
It’s the best looking truck in the game, the accessories make it so with the snorkel air filters, big stacks & cool wheels, it’s what I think a truck should look like. Could we at least know what version it’s for, or better still could somebody fix it/update it?