Author: Elvis Madariaga, Models of Peru: Jhon Cristian Charca
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If you enjoy experiencing real American Truck driver life, but at the same time feel a bit bored of the common road, cargos, and trucks, then American Truck Simulator Mods are for you! Step into an American Truck Simulator Driver's shoes and prove that you can deliver the cargo under any circumstance. It is the easiest way to get the best of the game, your opponents will be surprised! Then all you need to do is simply click on American Truck Simulator MAP DLC PERU V1.4 FOR ATS 1.29.X AND 1.30.X ATS Mod free download button and implement it to your game.
Just wondering is this an update version as the first one I downloaded has the same date in the zip file 9-8-2017 and their is no extra file called FIX dated 12-8-2017. you just relabelled it 1.29 snd 1.30
Nice one. I like the map but, it is possible to make it work with Coast To Coast and CanDream? It would be nice with those map’s added along with those other’s as well.
Note for EnzoGoober I have it working with Canadadream C2C and Mexico. might be mod order you have wrong that it does not work. So if you see this send me a note same way and I will put the order I have them in return.
funktioniert nicht !! sofern man in die Nähe von San Diego kommt, bricht das Spiel zusammen. Ausserdem fehlt ein Stück der Strasse von Barstow nach San Diego und von El Centro nach San Diego !!
super Sache, was das wohl immer soll. Man sieht sogar auf der Karte oben das ein Teil der Strasse von Barsto nach San Diego fehlt !!
wieder ein Mod für die Tonne, Danke !!
…it does not work !! If you come near San Diego, the game breaks down. Also missing a bit of the road from Barstow to San Diego and from El Centro to San Diego !!
great thing, which is probably always. You can even see on the map above that part of the road from Barsto to San Diego is missing !!
again a mod for the barrel, Thanks !!