Proper Traffic Variety 1.39
Features include:
-Vastly decreased semi spawn.
-Vastly decreased police spawn.
-Vastly decreased bus spawn.
-Vehicles not sold in the United States no longer spawn.
-Vehicles unrealistic fleet vehicles no longer spawn (some fire trucks, 2012 CHP Charger, etc.).
-Outdated fleet vehicles no longer spawn (MCI MC-12, NHP Crown Victoria, etc.).
-As previously stated, every spawn ratio is grounded in empirical data, at least somewhat accurately portraying the car culture of each state. For example, California has a greater preponderance of electric vehicles, while other states have an increased number of pickups.
-Utah suffers from a great lack of variety. Simply put, there’s a lack of data for car sales in Utah, and I’ve yet to find a way to combat this without compromising the integrity of the current method. I’ve had to work with what I have.
-Some states suffer from a preponderance of certain vehicles, such as the Isuzu NPR. I still haven’t found a way to combat this without compromising the integrity of the current method.
Other notes:
-Compatible with all map mods, traffic packs, and DLCs, however, map mod traffic isn’t effected.
-Since traffic pack’s aren’t optimized for this mod, and it may cause issues with traffic spawning. This is especially true for Utah, where spawn ratios have been greatly altered (normal spawn ratios hover around 0.5-1.00, but I’ve had to multiply this by 1,000 for each vehicle) to combat measures hard-coded into the game.
Resolving incompatibilities:
-Place beneath Brutal Traffic (maintains in-class traffic variety while allowing Brutal Traffic’s density).
-Place beneath ATS Traffic Behaviour (maintains in-class variety while allowing Traffic Behaviour’s density).
-Place beneath Meatballs Traffic Density Mod (maintains in-class variety while allowing Traffic Density Mod’s density).
-Place above Realistic traffic (allows the spawn of modded traffic vehicles while overriding his edits to spawns).
una pena en la 1.40 no funciona