Realistic Brutal Weather V2.0.1 ATS 1.37
Changelog v2.0.1
* Adjusted The Colors In General
* Tweaked To More Realistic And Vibrant Colors In General
* Fixed The Reflections In General, Glass, Windows, Environment etc
* Fixed All Matt Colors
* Fixed Metallic Colors And Objects Reflections
* Added Few New Skyboxes
* Updated Some Sounds
* More Tweaks in The Weather In General
* Fixed Other Issues
* Rework In Some Weather & Fog
Changelog v2.0
* Added Over 13 New Realistic HQ Thunder Sounds
* Improved Lights / Visibility At Night Bad Weather
* Adjusted Dim Lights Bad Weather Inside the Truck
* Reworked Some Skyboxes
* Rework Weather Sunny & Rain
* Rework in the climate in general
Changelog v1.6.3
* Compatible To Work With ATS Game Version 1.37.x Only
* Fixed Some Sounds
* Added New Sounds
* Fixed Other Issues
* Fixed Loud Wind Sound Inside Cabin
* Rework Some Weather
Changelog v1.6.2
* Fully Compatible With 1.37.x
* Fixed Other Issues
* Wind Sound fixed (hopefully)
Changelog v1.6
* Fully Compatible With 1.37.x
* Rework some skyboxes
* Several changes in weather in general
* Corrected some skyboxes
* Fixed Other Issues
Changelog v1.5.4
* Fully Compatible With 1.37.x
* Further Tweaks In General
* Fixed some other issues
Changelog v1.5.3
* Improved Weather
* Improved Fog
* Further Tweaks In General
* Fixed some other issues
Changelog v1.5.2
* Hot Fix sky box issue in daylight
* Added Several more types of weather in general
* Fixed some fog issues
Changelog v1.5.1
* Fixed the ligth and enviroment in bad / rain weather
* Added Several more types of weather in general
* Several more Tweaks in the Sky boxes Day and weather
* Corrected some skyboxes
* Fixed some fog issues
Changelog v1.5
* Almost Fully reworked weather
* Rework alot of the skyboxes
* Several types of weather
* Update in Lightning in general
* Several Tweaks In The Weather & Fog & Rain
* Several Tweaks in the Sky boxes Day/Night
* Moon Reworked
* Further Tweaks in Fog Intensity
* Several changes in weather in general
* Rework the Climate
* Corrected some skyboxes
* Enhanced Weather And Graphics
* Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
* Compatible To Work With Majority Of Maps
* High Resolution Sky Textures
* Realistic Thunder Sounds.
* Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
* Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
* Realistic Rain
* Realistic Rain Effects
* Realistic Rain Sounds
* Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
* Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
* Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
* Several Different Types Of Weather
* Several Types Of Sunset
* Several Types Of Nights
* Several Types Of Evenings / Sunset
* Several Types Of Dawn
* Different Rain & Fog Intensity
* Environment And AI Lights
* Realistic Reflections, Rain, Sun, Lights etc
* Realistic Cloud Shadows