The Freightliner Cascadia v0.8 1.50
Important informations
– This mod does not replace any SCS models
– ATS 1.50 Tested
This mod adds:
-3 Cabins
-3 Chassis
-9 Interiors
-Antennas, Badges, Lamps, Beacons, Bumpers, Exhaust, Hoods, Mirrors, Sensors, Rearlights, Deflectors and more..
-Customized truck dealer
V0.8 Changelogs:
-New hood remodeled
-Improved hood mirrors accessories
-Side door screws accessories
-New backplate accessories
-116inch sleeper 48
-New fueltanks accessories for the daycab variants.
-Engine label quality improved
-Deflector AeroX/Xs now have fiberglass texture inside.
-Deflector AeroX/Xs have new brackets options
-Chassis decals improved on PolyFir chassis
-FlowBelow Aero mudflap now supports PolyFir chassis.
-New short hood filters accessories
-Default SCS color skins now supports 116inch
-Reworked PolyFir Studios paintjobs