Traffic-Signs-Pack V1.2 – more sign assets mod
V1.0 Adds 33 traffic signs into the game for modders and mappers to use.
V1.2 Includes all V1.0 signs and adds another 20 traffic signs into the game + minor fixes to previous signs.
– Night-Speed-Limit signs dont actually set a speed limit ingame since you can not time them. (I haven’t found a way yet) They’re only for decorative matter.
– This modification doesn’t include a whole new map. It simply includes the models of the traffic signs
for modders and mappers to use in the game-editor!
– Do not re-upload this modification, only use the original download link listed.
– If you use this modification in your map, please give credit to me (DualCore).
How to:
– Simply move downloaded file to mod archive from ATS
– If you used V1.0, delete that file and replace it with the V1.2 one.
– Added signs can be found in the editor, use “E” + “5” in editor, scroll through the list of signs to find them.
How do you make sign assets for in the game? I want to add more custom highway shields, but I don’t know where to start. Any help would be very appreciated.