Truck dealer
Fixed dealer skin !This beta 3. last step ! Working all version !Not final!! INPORTANT!!!! you need some any mod!!! cascadia_2018_by_conbar_ATS_v.2.0; fred+centuri; freightliner_argosy_3.0; Freightliner_Classic_by_Custom Truck ATS V2.0; freightliner_FLB; Mack_Ultraliner; Western Star 4900FA. Anyone can be modified and uploaded!!!! YOU NEED 2 FILE !!! ENJOY !!!!!!!!! BYE BYE :SHUTUP 😀 !!!!!
Good concept so far. has some compatibility issues. Also REQUIRES the need for other dealer trucks like freightliner,Volvo ect.
Too many euro trucks and dealers for this to be associated with American Truck Simulator. Also it changes the roof lights on standard trucks. Make an all american version and this would be awesome.