Viva Mexico Map v 2.0 Rescale (Baja California) ATS
Compatible 1.5.x American Truck Simulator
More miles of road, new roads, new improvements, with the mapping of Mexico, starting with Baja California, northern state of the country …
New Cities:
• Tijuana
• Mexicali
• Ensenada
• San Felipe
• El Rosario
• Punta Prieta
• Guerrero Negro
– Bus stations were added
-Tijuana and Mexicali rebuilt
-New view of “La Rumorosa”
– Signs with road numbers and GPS
-The skins trailer were separated
-Pack de Skins para camiones diseñadas por: Erick Sandeb
(Coca Cola, Pepsi, Corona, Tecate, Castores, Sabritas, Pemex, Comex, Cemex, Alpura, Quaker State, Ford, Walmart)
Thanks for the update hugoces, nice job on the re scale. However I ran into the infamous invisible wall on I-5 before the boarder. Had to get off the freeway and back on at the last stop before Mexico in order to cross the boarder. Other then that, very cool mod.
Yep, me too. It is just south of the overpass and covers both directions. At least you can bypass it by getting off then back on. Annoying though. Hope Hugo sees this and corrects it.
Yeah me to.. Invisible wall at the same place as Bat29 above
Look nice but how the hell do i get to drive all around in the whole Mexico state instead of being stuck only being able to drive in Baja Mexico???? Last version of this you couldnt drive all over Mexico, just along Mexicos coast………………
Try reading his descriptions and you will get your answer. He obviously is having to change to the new scale in stages. Also, he is planning to add one Mexican State per month. The next to be Sonora. You never could drive all over Mexico with this mod at this point.
Create the map! Lance. You seem to think that is easy to create maps, so do it if you want it so bad. Oh! and i think Mexico is a country not a state.
Great map, lots of details, i want to love it, but the speed bumps! I got a fever, and the only prescription is … more speed bumps ;). But seriously, a little less speed bumps would be great. I can understand some of them. By the way some of those speed bumps are way to big. I past over one of them and got 2% damage! Other than the speed bumps, i really enjoyed my ride.
Thank you and keep up the good work! Looking forward to see more of Mexico!
I have no idea how these mods are made so am only guessing here. Since the speed limits are way too high in the cities and towns, maybe they can’t be changed and the speed bumps were just a way to try to slow you down. Just a thought.
TOTALLY AGREE , 50 mph speed limit but if you go 30 mph it almost does damage to the vehicle and cargo…does Mexico REALLY have a speed bump every 60 yards or so??????
Am I the only one have problems with the water crossings on 5 going towards Punta Prieta? I tried going to Punta Prieta and I hit the water bed as if its a wall. Then coming from Punta Prieta I slowed down in case it happened again because the first time it wrecked my truck lol. So I slowed down and I got stuck and my truck is floating in mid air and I cant move.
I’ve had the same problem.
Is this worth downlaoding?
If you are bored and want some more places to drive its worth it. Has some cool scenery.
Is it all of Mexico or just a part of Mexico
this is a very nice map but i ran into a puddle of water when i was heading toward the punta place at the bottom of the map
Many thanks for uploading this mod!! I really liked the design and the way everything looks, however I had a little problem driving to San Felipe, in regards to the speed bumps, some of them (passing the border, mainly in Baja California) where not properly set on the street, but actually kind of “floating” giving damage to the truck, and in some cases (if I drove slow to avoid damage) getting stuck because the wheels were not on the road.
Nice touch though with the ocean view!!!
Muchas gracias por subir este mod, realmente me gustó mucho, las vistas y detalles son muy buenos. Sin embargo, tuve un problema manejando a San Felipe, después de la frontera, los policías muertos, o lomos de toro como le decimos acá en Chile, están muy arriba, causando daño al camión o simplemente impidiendo pasar, porque las ruedas pierden tracción al quedar en el aire. Podrías arreglar esto??
muchas gracias y que vista al mar al llegar a San Felipe!
Its a good looking map. that said there are a couple of problems. there is an invisable wall just b4 border, effective both ways. you can get around it by using on and off ramps if you remember…lol. there are also a couple of speed bumps that are sticking up and stopping truck. this also damages truck and cost money to repair. I would be mad about this if I wasnt using a money cheat mod already. ha ha ha.I likae map otherwise and look forward to using once these issues have been fixed. keep up the good work guys.
Less speed bumps would be nice, I think there is just a tad to much. thank you.
Do I have to add this version to the old mod or is this version standalone because the file size is only ~20MB. When i load this as standalone the game crashes so i guess this is an update.
Sorry my bad, the download was corrupt. Re-downloaded it and it works. Thanks for the map.