VNL780 Inspiration beta ATS1.4 Truck
TO START WE KNOW ITS NOT A VOLVO ITS A Freightliner BUT the base is off of a 780 so we went with that i know the interior is not the same as the truck why cause it blah so i got the best interior team i know out their 5O8Studio they add their thing and i made it work for you guys keep this under the Vnl670
This looks just like the 2017 Cascadia but with a VNL interior… Looks sweet though.
Jay right but its a Daimler Inspiration Freightliner, thanks to all who brought this truck to ATS and for those who have issue with this truck keep it under map and VNL670 / Editions seem like this site dont like 508Studio BUT those guy went all out on the vnl670
Crashes my american truck simulator 🙁
for those who have issue with this truck keep it under map and VNL670 / Editions and this is only for ATS1.4
It crashes my game when i go to teh main menu why is this i have it under all maps and under the vnl 670. What could be the problem?