Volvo VNL 780 for the ATS 1.6x version
Various adjustment options at the Volvo dealer.
New in update:
– To be alone
– Volvo Dealer
– Interior
– Tuning
– Sounds
– Furs
– Add traffic
– Add new accessories
– New steering wheel system
– Add to Quick Work
– new cabin added (VNL 300, VNL 730)
– Standalone truck, Volvo dealer (near service in San Francisco for example)
– Own pieces, interiors, sounds, etc.
– Metallic paint skins holder
Great Mod man! My only thing is that i would have love to see the correct view of the mid size sleeper and not the high rise view.
im sure itll work the Volvo VNL dealership
omg thank you finnaly a volov day cab your the best bro
wheres the Volvo VNL 144 Inch ARI Legacy II RB Sleeper put you skill to the test
Why do I only get one model at the dealership?????
it is one model,but has different cabins to choose
the game crash when u r on the home page
Didnt crash for me try removing all your mods
i find that a lot
When I install this mod the horns for other trucks disappear, any idea what may cause that?
You have to reassign the air horn key
No I mean as in when putting accessories on a truck at the dealer. The horns don’t show up in accessories at all.
i have tons of mods. mine works just fine
Could you tell me if this mod had chrome hood mirrors on the 780 model? Do you know where to get a mod that adds more accessories?
Frank, please convert speedometer to american mph nor only kph 🙂
is there a 4×2 chasis
i found kenworth w900 and peterbilt 579 i got programs horn
is not work for horn
is there a sound file that works on this truck ? or more engines/transmissions ? i love the look..but engine,tranni, and sounds are lacking
Umm can u guys put mile than km/h and lights on dasboard
Great truck but like others have said, PLEASE make an option/version for MPH on the speedo, not just KPH. Sorry, but unfortunately I will no longer use this truck until it has MPH. Yes it bothers me that much!
and it works with dls DLC Cabin Accessories.?
Where can I find the dealership that sells it?
I’ve been to every service area. Where Can I find this truck. I see it in traffic but can’t find it .
Where Can U find the dealer?? I’ve checked San Fran, Vegas, Tucson, etc. Please help.