Washington DLC: Grand Coulee Dam ATS
On this day in 1942, the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam was completed, after 9 years of construction.
Currently, it holds the title of not only the largest dam in the Columbia River Basin but one of the largest in the world. Located west of Spokane, it provides a whopping 2,300 megawatts of hydroelectric power across the state, which is enough power to continuously supply the needs of two cities the size of Seattle!
Taller than the Great Pyramids of Giza, at over 550ft tall from its bedrock base and spanning over a mile long, this impressive landmark has been recreated in spectacular detail using unique assets in our upcoming American Truck Simulator map expansion.
Amongst one of the new Special Transport routes which you will find in Washington, you will be able to deliver unique and heavy loads to a nearby town, which will offer dam good views of this man-made wonder.